Friday, June 4, 2010

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MAMOONA! Such a successful day filled with nonstop adventures even though we were so exhausted- well worth every minute! Walking through Portobello Market (which we will need to return to) to the Museum of Brands- which took us through each decade and how companies we love so much (Kit Kat and Frosted Flakes) have adapted their brand to the decade. 
Next, the design museum-sustainable future! We spent the afternoon setting up for the event tonight. Blowing up balloons, drawing animals, stuffing bags filled with candies, writing newspaper articles. 
Lunch- well we dont need to talk about that (haha!) 
walked over the tower bridge and stopped for some clotted cream and laur and zadrian got clotteddd! great bday celebration and so excited for tomorrows journey! must get up early enough to make a 4am train to the plane. The Netherlands here we come!! 
love, we all need sleep! 

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