Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nothing is open on Sundays.

Today was beautiful weather in the city, and despite the fact that it was impossible to pull myself out of bed after a late night of awesome partying, I just knew I had to. Decided to spend the day with my girl Lindsay going to the Borough Market. The Borough Market is closed on Sundays. So are most things here apparently. However we ate lunch in an amazingly yummy little seafood place, complete with champagne! Then we walked over to the Tate Modern for a fab cultural experience..five floors of super cool modern art. Wish I had more time to visit the others. Getting lost along the Thames rounded out my Sunday.

Lunch at Borough Market!

Warhol, Dali, Rothko, Matisse, Picasso. Just the tip of the iceberg.

Take the short stroll across the foot bridge from the Tate Modern to be up close to St. Paul's Cathedral.

LD & the Tower Bridge

xoxo, from London

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