Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's A Family Affair

We have decided that in order to keep all of our many, MANY fans (HI Dreifus', Uddin's, Rothbart's and Tureau's!). We will consistently update our whereabouts over the next five weeks. Now, we know what you're thinking.. we will post a blog every day for about a week and then you'll never hear from us again. You, my friends, are probably right... HOWEVER, we can promise that we will try our best not to do that and to keep you informed about every sight, event, meal, man, purchase, stuffy nose and itch on our four left arms that we encounter.

Since it is officially our first day in London, we would like to say goodbye to a few things: NYC, the 1 train, Chelsea, Brooklyn, New Jersey, Long Island, dryers, outlets with lines and not circles, our cars, Eastern Standard Time, real phone service, cheap manicures, cheap food, cheap EVERYTHING, good sandwiches, actual bills, water with pressure, driving on ONE SIDE OF THE ROAD.

We are having an absolutely incredible time, and we cannot wait to sleep! Off to the London College of Fashion for our first full days of classes tomorrow.

And, supposedly everyone... even here in England, has the Beiber fever.

Alyssa... the one who forgot her camera.

P.S. Grandma, we got a club card at the local grocery store to get discounts. Thanks so much for the tip! Keep 'em coming.

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